Author: Katie Matson-Daley

Development Saturday: Community Development and Food

Development Saturday: Community Development and Food

        I have developed an obsession with the theology of food and healthy eating over the past twelve months.   My thoughts haven’t quite crystalized around this issue yet.  But I am hungry (pun intended) to learn more about how we honor 

Weekly Photo Challenge: Opportunity

Weekly Photo Challenge: Opportunity

The Post A Week Photo Challenge continues, this week our theme is “opportunity.” I loved Halloween as a kid.  My mom was a supervisor at a fabric store when we were growing up and would sew our costumes at the end of the summer in 

Development: Youth Development Girls 3.0 – Miley Cyrus

Development: Youth Development Girls 3.0 – Miley Cyrus



I’ve been home sick today, so I didn’t write and so I’m posting the third part of my youth development series today instead of waiting for Saturday.Photo Credit LucyCat2005

*Note* This series comes from an integrative theology paper that I wrote on the intersection of the doctrine of sin and identity development in young adolescent girls.  You can read part one here and part two here.

Another trend that Orenstein saw in the young women in her study was a desire to be liked by young men.  In the suburban school where she observed there was one young man in particular who was the object of affection for more than one of her subjects.  Known for treating girls poorly, making up rumors about girls who refused him and asking girls to have sex even as a sixth grader this young man was still the desire of many girls.  One girl in particular described an interaction with him:

he put his hand up my shirt, and I said, ‘no,’ but he kept doing it and I was too afraid to stop him because I liked him so much and I wanted him to like me.  I thought it would make him like me more if I let him[1].

Like the awareness of the difference in experience between boys and girls, this desire to have a boyfriend, and to be in love even if the young man is a “jerk” remains a popular theme in both the real lives of young girls, and in the pop songs they listen to.  Consider the song, “7 Things I Hate About You,” by Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana):

The 7 things I hate about you, oh you / You’re vain, your games, you’re insecure / You love me, you like her / You make me laugh, you make me cry / I don’t know which side to buy / Your friends, they’re jerks When you act like them, just know it hurts / I wanna be with the one I know And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do/ You make me love you

She then goes on to describe seven things she likes about this boy:

…Your hands in mine / When we’re intertwined, everything’s alright /I wanna be with the one I know /And the 7th thing I like most that you do / You make me love you, you do

Like the girls that Orenstein describes, Miley Cyrus feels complete and alright, only when she is with the one she loves.  Even though he acts like a jerk.

Reviving Ophelia is another important book on identity development in Adolescent girls.  It was also published in the 1990s and describes the process by which young adolescent girls conform to cultural expectations and lose their sense of self.  The author, Mary Pipher, a clinical psychologist argues that the drop in self-esteem in young adolescent girls is due to young women coming to a realization that men and boys have power in our culture and that only by appearing submissive, passive and pleasing will girls hold any power.  In adolescence, Pipher writes, cultural pressures around body image, sexism, capitalism (and the objectification of female sexuality to sell products) and perfectionism push girls to stop asking the question of “Who am I?” but to start asking, “What must I do to please others?”  In other words, girls move from being their authentic self, to seeming  to be the culturally defined ideal (false) self[2].  If a girl speaks her mind truthfully or assertively she is labeled a bitch.

Pipher sites an example of the differing cultural expectations for men and women.  People describe healthy men and healthy adults as having the same qualities, they describe healthy women as having quite different qualities than healthy adults.  For example, healthy women were described as passive, dependent and illogical, while healthy adults were active, independent and logical.[3] It seems then, that being a healthy woman and a healthy adult are mutually exclusive states of being.

The “hidden curriculum,” in school reinforces this idea of a “healthy woman.”  While not explicitly taught, girls learn in school that off task behavior is more tolerated in boys than in girls, and because the young men get called on more often than girls they learn that silence and compliance are more important virtues in girls[4].  Orenstein observed that when partnered with boys in a science lab, girls would fake helplessness even on simple tasks.  Again, while her research is more than a decade old, this theme too is present in today’s pop music.  Selena Goméz for example sings, “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know”

Everybody tells me that it’s wrong what i’m feeling / I shouldn’t believe in /The dreams that I’m dreaming / I hear it every day /I hear it all the time /I’m never gonna amount to much 

Middle School and Junior High School can be very destructive times for young adolescent girls.  One of Pipher’s subjects told her, “Everything good in me died in junior high.”[5]

[1] Orenstein 65

[2] Pipher 37

[3] Pipher 39

[4] Orenstein 35

[5] Piper 20

Development Saturday: Youth Development Girls 4.0 – Theology

Development Saturday: Youth Development Girls 4.0 – Theology

Still feeling crummy – so here’s part 4, ahead of schedule. *Note* This series comes from an integrative theology paper that I wrote on the intersection of the doctrine of sin and identity development in young adolescent girls.  You can read part one here and part two here and 

Creativity Tuesday – Macaroni and Kale

Creativity Tuesday – Macaroni and Kale

Food, is one of my favorite ways to be creative.  Especially when I have a chance to feed people.  Cooking for myself is ok, but having people over to sit at the table, to catch up on life, to eat and to laugh is one of the holiest experiences on earth for me.

Last night, Richard had a workshop, but Maria, Roy and Isaac stopped by for dinner.  I loved meeting Isaac who is almost 4 weeks old.

Katie and Isaac

I was craving Macaroni and Cheese on Sunday, but decided that the calorie count wasn’t worth it.  When I stopped at the St. Paul Library to pick up a book that I had on reserve I noticed that on the cover of one of the “Cooking Light” magazines there was the creamiest, yummiest looking macaroni and cheese I had ever seen.  The secret was that instead of using butter, cream and flour to make a roux, or a bechamel, the creaminess came from a squash, boiled in milk and stock with garlic and then blended before adding the cheese and the pasta.  It was so so good.

I didn’t have the butternut squash that was called for, but we had received an acorn squash in our CSA, so that did the trick.

Acorn Squash Photo Credit: Lapoli

We also had a Kale Salad that was loosely based on this one from Aarti’s Party.  But I didn’t have a lemon, so I used orange juice, I didn’t have a mango so I used apples and raisins.  So like I said, loosely.

That’s part of what’s fun about cooking, you can follow the instructions exactly or you can substitute sometime similar or incredibly different.  And when you’re done, you have something that brings people together.

One of the significant aspects of communion or the Eucharist in the early church was that it brought rich and poor, Jew and Gentile together.  It was a time to remember Christ and what he had done, but it also served as a reminder of our unity and solidarity with one another in Christ.

Happy Family
Music Monday – Mumford and Sons – I Gave You All

Music Monday – Mumford and Sons – I Gave You All

I don’t have a long post today for Music Monday, just one line from the song by Mumford and Sons. “If I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I would have won.” It’s powerful, what do you think it means?

Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility

Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility


I’ve decided I want to post more pictures. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a week.  I’ll be participating in the Weekly Photo Challenge at WordPress.

I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of Weekly Photo Challenge, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals.

Each week, a WordPress blogger chooses a theme, this week it is possibility.

If you already read re-imagine-imago, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and ideas.

Katie Matson-Daley

Lectionary Sunday – October 16 – Matthew 22:15-22

Lectionary Sunday – October 16 – Matthew 22:15-22

15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of